Trump needs to develop a coherent anti-impeachment strategy
Isolated. Unhinged. Angry.
Not a good combination for the president of the United States.
Acting increasingly Nixon-like, the embattled President Trump has resorted to bizarre tweets and calling on foreign nations to investigate his Democratic rival as the impeachment battle looms.
It’s hard to tell who has been more loopy over the last few days, Trump or Rep. Adam Schiff, who’s leading the impeachment proceedings.
If Trump has a strategy to deal with impeachment, it’s been hard to figure what it is.
Maybe Trump feels if he airs his complaints about Joe and Hunter Biden repeatedly in public, it will make his phone call to the Ukrainian president look less sketchy.
The president in recent speeches has railed against the media — always a good tactic — but then suggested the administration start its own news network.
“We ought to start our own network and put some real news out there,” he said in a speech in Florida.
“Tonight Show” host Jimmy Fallon actually has a regular parody sketch called “Trump News Network” in which Trump delivers his own news.
Trump earlier tweeted out an old Nickelback music video from the song “Photograph” and pasted a picture of the Bidens in it and another man labeled “Ukraine gas exec.” Trump’s son and his lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, also tweeted out the video later on. So apparently there is a coordinated strategy.
This was on the same day that Trump again publicly stated that China and Ukraine should investigate the Bidens, an apparent attempt to focus attention on Hunter Biden’s shady dealings with those countries.
But all it did was fuel the Democrats’ desire to impeach him. Some Democrats said it was evidence of another article of impeachment.
Trump continues to use Twitter, speeches and his press conferences to defend himself. At least one thing you can’t say is that Trump is in the bunker.
“There wasn’t ANYTHING said wrong in my conversation with the Ukrainian president,”Trump tweeted on Thursday. “This is a Democratic Scam.”
In another tweet Trump simply wrote “ELECTION INTERFERENCE!
Here’s what the president could do to defend himself better:
Develop a coherent strategy to have a message each day focusing on what he wants the media to cover. Trump is good at being able to dominate the news and he should use that to his advantage. Sending out random Twitter attacks is not the way to go.
Continue to press the media to focus on Hunter Biden’s business interests in the Ukraine.
Rally the troops. It’s important for Trump to be out with his adoring public and making it clear that he’s not losing support.
Rally Republicans and keep them in line. Trump knows he will never be removed from office as long as his GOP supporters in Congress stick with him.
from Boston Herald
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