Curley: American parents sticking up for their kids are the unsung heroes of the coronavirus pandemic
There have been no shortage of accolades and awards given out during the course of this pandemic.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has an Emmy award on his mantle and both he and Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker were recipients of the The Edward M. Kennedy Institute Award for Inspired Leadership.
Cuomo’s biggest fan— the Pacino to his De Niro — Dr. Anthony Fauci has been sainted by the left. He has graced the covers of InStyle,
Time and People. The mayor of Washington, Muriel Bowser, declared Dec. 24 to be “Dr. Fauci Day.”
He’s on pillows, too! In fact, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who was recently honored with a Profile in Courage Award, has a Fauci throw pillow in her office.
But while these egomaniacs sign six-figure book deals, a group of fighters has emerged as unsung heroes: American parents. They may not have serenaded us with a dreadful rendition of John Lennon’s “Imagine,” but mothers and fathers across this country made their voices heard over the past year.
Whether they were fighting back against virtual learning, mask mandates in schools or critical race theory, fed-up parents became the heroes our country desperately needed.
In January, a father named Brandon Michon went to a Loudoun County school board meeting to voice his frustration with his kids’ nonsensical remote learning. Michon, visibly exhausted and furious, yelled, “The garbage workers who pick up my freaking trash risk their lives every day more than anyone in this school system! Figure it out!”
The passionate speech moved other exasperated parents across the country who could understand Michon’s anger. The school board’s reaction? The members made sure the podium was wiped down and sanitized when Brandon stepped away from the microphone.
A few months later, a Georgia mother named Courtney Ann Taylor stood at a similar podium, this time in front of the Gwinnett County Board of Education.
Courtney, a mom of two, blasted the mask mandate. “Every one of us knows that young children are not affected by this virus. And that’s a blessing. But as the adults what have we done with that blessing? We’ve shoved it to the side and we’ve said, ‘we don’t care. You’re still going to wear a mask on your face every day. … We’re still going to force you to carry a burden that was never yours to carry.’ Shame on us.”
Courtney won’t be featured on magazine covers. She won’t be honored by the John F. Kennedy Center or have puff pieces dedicated to her in The Washington Post. But rest assured, in the eyes of most Americans, Courtney is more of a star than all the out-of-touch Hollywood
elites and pretentious D.C. politicians combined.
It isn’t just COVID-19 lockdowns that have parents fighting back. Recently a mom in Carmel, New York, made waves after fighting back against the critical race theory curriculum. Donning fierce hoop earrings and leopard pumps, Tatiana Ibrahim let the school board have it. “Stop indoctrinating our children. Stop teaching our children to hate the police.”
Later, the mama bear warned the appalled school board officials that she won’t stop fighting— and they have not seen the last of her. “We can do it peacefully, or we can take it to the highest court, because you know and I know I’m not the only parent fighting this. All across America right now, schools are trying to poison our children’s minds.”
Tatiana won’t be asked to appear on “Morning Joe” or “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” But her 11-minute address will have more eyeballs on it than the low-rated cable programs.
The left is used to screwing over the average American without getting much pushback. Most people in this country work for someone else — often someone more woke and more wise and more likely to fire them if they step out of line. So regular people take a lot on the chin and stay quiet.
They grin and bear it. But there is an exception to this rule, and the liberals are seeing it in action.
When mothers and fathers witness their kids being brainwashed or neglected or robbed of memories and experiences, then parents will risk any backlash or cancellation.
When the corrupt bureaucrats and power-hungry pols start messing with people’s children, well that is when the masks — and the gloves — come off.
from Boston Herald
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