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Longing for signs of spring? Here’s where to look

Spring can be a bit of a tease in New Enland. We feel a few warm days and think, “Oh! It’s here!” and then winter creeps back in.

We yearn for green grass and budding leaves, but have to search for tiny bits of it. We hunger for warm weather clothes and so, when it hits 52, we see others out in shorts and flip-flops.

Yes indeed: It’s hard.

So what if we embrace the very anticipation of spring proper in New England?

During my “watch for signs” tour, I’m going to visit — this week and over the coming weeks — some easy-to-access and fun places to keep track of spring as it pushes its way slowly into the region.

I’ll look for sprouts popping out of the soil and watch for growth. I’ll listen for peepers and hope to spot birds. And I’ll be out in the fresh air savoring New England, tough spring or not.

Here’s a few places on my list:

Wildland Trust locations: There are so many of them (learn more here: wildlandstrust.org), but there are a few extra great choices for this time of year.

First, the Great River Preserve in Bridgewater (1025 Auburn St.) offers 250 acres of serene beauty (maintained by both the trust and the Mass Fish and Game team).

This huge open field surrounded by trees bumps up against the banks of the Taunton River.

You’ll spot buds on trees, green growth, birds, small snakes and more as the land comes back to life.

It’s super handicapped accessible, with a flat paved trail carved through the land and right to a river overlook, ideal for older folks or anyone in a wheelchair.

Another great choice is their Davis Douglas Conservation area (Clark Road, Long Pond Road and Ship Pond Road) in Plymouth.

There, lovingly maintained trails wind you through bogs and past all kinds of flora and fauna.

A request from the Trust: Park only in designated areas, carry in and carry out (don’t litter!) and be respectful of all around you.

Heritage Museum and Gardens, Sandwich: In April, a visit to the grounds of this lovely spot (67 Grove. St.) will open your eyes to what early spring looks like on Cape Cod.

You’ll find pansies pushing through and beginning to bloom (and isn’t that first sighting of colorful growth so encouraging?), star magnolia trees beginning to bloom, and heathers still reaching toward the sky.

  • APRIL 4, 2021 - The Flume Fountain offers a backdrop for a drift of daylilies at the Heritage Museum and Gardens, Sandwich. Photo courtesy

  • APRIL 4, 2021 - A bulb river "flows" at the Heritage Museum and Gardens in Sandwich. Photo courtesy.



While it will be some time before the hydrangeas that are just so quintessentially Cape Cod begin to bloom, the gardens are whetting your appetite.

On Friday, they’ll hold the first of a series of online “hydrangea success” seminars. Pay a small fee and  pop in live or view it later to learn how to best prune and prepare the lovely blooms for the coming season.

The Heritage Museum and Gardens officially open this month. You can learn more at heritagemuseumsandgardens.org.

Boston proper: We may live in a city of skyscrapers and streets, but walking through the Hub is a great way to keep track of spring as it slowly gains strength.

From the Boston Public Garden to the Rose Kennedy Greenway to the beloved front gardens of Back Bay dwellers, you can walk and spot all kinds of new growth and then revisit it as it blooms.

BOSTON APRIL 26: People walk by the budding tulips, Sunday, April 26, 2020, at Public Garden in Boston. (Jim Michaud / MediaNews Group/Boston Herald)

Right now you’ll find crocuses and small bulbs beginning to show color, as well as daffodils and early tulips blooming here and there.

There are buds on the magnolia trees across the city, and they will be blooming soon.

By mid-April, all that should be in bloom with the added splash of color from azalea bushes beginning to show their color.

And by early May you should be able to visit again and see roses, the North End cherry trees, day lilies and more.

Plan a walking tour now to shake off your winter blues. Find signs of that elusive spring. Take note (and photos) and then visit again.

It will get you outside, show you lovely spots in our state and most of all remind you that indeed, warmer and more colorful days are truly just ahead.

from Boston Herald https://ift.tt/3wkbJ0R
Longing for signs of spring? Here’s where to look Longing for signs of spring? Here’s where to look Reviewed by Admin on April 03, 2021 Rating: 5

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