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Massachusetts police crack down on fireworks surge

Massachusetts police departments are cracking down on fireworks as many cities report a surge in the lighting of fireworks, especially late at night.

The Chelsea Police Department is increasing impact patrols to address the rise of fireworks complaints, Chief Brian Kyes told the Herald on Monday.

“This year, for whatever reason, it seems like they’re on a whole another level,” he said about the frequency and duration of the fireworks antics.

Police are receiving reports of fireworks going off as late as 3 a.m., he said.

“It’s a breach of public tranquility late at night, a real nuisance for people trying to sleep,” Kyes said.

“Fireworks are dangerous, and the fear of a large-scale fire concerns us as well,” he said.

Chelsea Police will conduct zero-tolerance patrols, seize and fine those in possession of fireworks, which are illegal to possess in Massachusetts.

Police will first issue a verbal warning. If the person does not comply, the initial fine would be $100, and subsequent fines can go up to $300.

Lawrence Police are also adding patrols to address fireworks as the city has experienced an increase in complaints. Last week, officers arrested one person, summonsed three people to court, and issued seven citations for fireworks-related offenses.

Police believe people are buying the fireworks in New Hampshire and illegally transporting them across the border.

“As a result, the Department is working with the Massachusetts and the New Hampshire State Police,” Lawrence Police said in a statement. “The Department cannot do this alone. Residents are urged to discuss the inherent dangers of fireworks with their teenage children, and the adverse effects it has on our neighborhoods.

“We want to remind everyone that this is a serious issue,” police said. “In addition to being a serious fire hazard, the noise from fireworks has a very real, negative impact on our City. People are frightened and losing sleep. Children, babies, and the elderly are being woken up. Pets are terrified. Worst of all, our veterans and others with PTSD are experiencing real harm.”

Boston has seen a 2,300% spike in fireworks complaints, according to police. Boston police received 1,445 calls for fireworks in the first week of June — up from 22 in the same week last year.

Boston officers have confiscated boxes upon boxes of fireworks and made a few arrests.

“The Boston Police Department would like to remind the public that illegal fireworks pose significant dangers to the safety of our residents and their property and do not belong in our communities,” police said in a statement, adding, “If you hear or see fireworks being displayed in your neighborhood, please call 911 immediately for a police response.”

from Boston Herald https://ift.tt/2Y4vJoX
Massachusetts police crack down on fireworks surge Massachusetts police crack down on fireworks surge Reviewed by Admin on June 15, 2020 Rating: 5

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