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Woe is Elizabeth Warren’s staff after their candidate bails

Woebegone Elizabeth Warren staffers — heartbroken and adrift after the Cambridge Democrat tearily ended her presidential campaign Thursday following on ignominious Super Tuesday showing — cried, drank, sought comfort dogs and made personal fundraising pitches as they faced sudden unemployment.

“Does anyone in Logan Square have a pug that I can hang out with,” tweeted Morgan Sperry, an organizer for Warren, just as news broke that Warren would leave the race.

“Feels like someone should’ve put the liquor store and bar down the street on notice this AM,” Warren’s national political director Rebecca Pearcey tweeted.

Volunteers, staff and supporters flocked to Twitter to share bitter accusations, misty-eyed memories and pictures of new tattoos freshly inked in support of the senator.

“As someone who has worked for the Presidential candidate who dropped out after an early primary: They dont want your takes. They dont want to tell you ‘what’s next.’ They dont want to tell you who they support now. They want you to Venmo them $10 for drinks and shut up,” tweeted Bobby Bauch, Iowa training director for Warren’s campaign.

Warren built up an extensive ground game from the start, hiring a huge roster of sought-after staffers to get out the vote. But those votes never materialized in sufficient numbers, and Warren’s exit left her staff with little to do except make mournful requests that varied from practical to pathetic.

“Pls help me pay my student loans so I can rest for just like a week before I get back up and fight,” one Warren staffer tweeted.

Another asked to be left to his own misery.

“Update: I am not fine but don’t worry I will be. Please don’t call and ask me about next steps or how I am doing,” one Warren community organizer wrote.

One thing Warren supporters didn’t want: anyone soliciting their support for either Sen. Bernie Sanders or former Vice President Joe Biden, both of whom are seeking Warren’s endorsement and will likely hire some of Warren’s staff if nominated.

Warren’s Cambridge neighbor and former Massachusetts gubernatorial candidate Robert Reich, for example, tweeted yesterday that Warren’s “backers must come together behind Bernie.” His was one of many tweets that sparked pique.

“As someone who loves Bernie and is going to keep fighting in the 2020 cycle, this is NOT the mood,” Sperry tweeted after she got a text asking for her support from the Sanders campaign. “This is the first text I’ve ever gotten from that campaign. Please back off for a little.”

But don’t worry, in between blaming the media and the patriarchy former Warren staffers have plenty to do.

“I guess I can read all the books I bought now,” one former Warren organizer tweeted.

from Boston Herald https://ift.tt/2IpWMTe
Woe is Elizabeth Warren’s staff after their candidate bails Woe is Elizabeth Warren’s staff after their candidate bails Reviewed by Admin on March 05, 2020 Rating: 5

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