CDC advice for caring for the elderly during the coronavirus crisis
The CDC has issued guidelines for long-term care facilities to help keep seniors safe as the coronavirus hits — with the elderly the most at risk. The advice includes:
- Staying in your room if you have a fever or acute respiratory symptoms
- As for everyone, wash your hands for 20 seconds or more early and often
- Put alcohol-based hand sanitizer in every resident room
- Make sure tissues are available
- Identify dedicated employees to care for COVID-19 patients
- Provide infection control training for those staffers
- Make face masks, eye protection, gowns and gloves available immediately outside of sick person’s room
- Notify other facilities — including hospitals — prior to transferring a sick resident
- Report any possible COVID-19 illness in residents and employees to the local and state health departments
- Post signs at the entrance instructing visitors not to visit if they have symptoms
- Ensure sick leave policies allow employees to stay home if they have symptoms
- Assess residents symptoms of respiratory infection upon admission to the facility
The CDC has set up a website devoted to the virus at
from Boston Herald
CDC advice for caring for the elderly during the coronavirus crisis
Reviewed by Admin
March 04, 2020
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